picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Sunday, January 23, 2005
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Moments So Dear
How Do You Measure - Measure A Year?
In Daylights - In Sunsets In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee -
In Inches - In Miles - In Laughter - In Strife
How Do You Measure A Year In The Life ?
How About Love? Measure In Love. Seasons Of Love
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Journeys To Plan
How Do You Measure The Life Of A Woman Or A Man?
In Truths That She Learned Or In Times That He Cried,
In Bridges He Burned Or The Way That She Died
It's Time Now - To Sing Out Tho' The Story Never Ends
Let's Celebrate Remember A Year In The Life Of Friends
Remember The Love Remember Measure In Love
I'm a Head of Automation Division of Samsung Aerospace... one day my staff ask me.. sir some1 wants to tok 2 u... to place an order for new equipment (rent2 own). after gathering his personal information, I advised the customer that he wud have to provide proof of residence; a rent reciept, credit-card bill, whatever. A few days later, I received a picture in the mail. It was of a man pointing to the house behind him.
i still remeber........ about 15 members of my department decided to go bowling to celbrate a birthday. Tina, one of my staff, called ahead to reserved some lanes. She was told that wouldn't be necessasry; if there were a lot of people, they'd just open another lane. Tina nevertherless insisted. And the person on the line again assured her she didn't need a reservation. Just as they both becoming completely exasperated, the person on the other end of the line paused, then said, "Uh, do you realise you've called a supermarket?"
Im telling every1, " a frend of mine used to say wen she had a particularly juicy piece of gossip to share. But remember, u didn't hir it from me."....... Most of us dnt wnt to miss out hearing the latest. But we also don't like to think of ourslves s gossips. Well, here some scuttlebut to put our minds at the rest..
"Gossip is a way to keep track of social status and to manage alliances." it helps us to know hu we r and how we fit in. That sense of belonging is key to sound emtional health. Of cors, not all story we share are benign. distinguish betwin rumors (often unfounded and malicious) and gossip (mostly factual news). But while gossip maybe true, it isn't alwys nice. When the subject is some1 higher than us on the social ladder, wer're most interested in the mean stories. The reason: negative information cud be useful in helping us move up a rung or two. When gossip concerns som1 we percieve as lower in staus, good news makes us listenup; thats bcoz fortune cud raise our rival above us in social rank. Exchanging tales over the backyard fence also helps a community of people stablish moral boundaries. We gossip when pipol go astray as a way of delineating wats right and wrong.....and it may have an even higher purpose. "A sainty virtue." philosopher Ronald de Sousa once dubbed it. Gossips allowed us to exchange truths that might oderwise remain hidden, painting a truer picture of what it is to be human.
....she askd y?.... den I say, bcoz up until the last 3 days I was perfectlycontent with my life....of solitary adventure and then youcame along....wel, u came along and those two thingsseems mutually exclusive. and she askd again, y?den I say... bcoz im jealous as hell....bcoz im so un-bloody-hinged just being near you.. Praning ako! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
3 AM
Once again I'm wide awake.Waiting for time to mend this part of me that keeps on breaking.Newpapers I threw away, washed the dishes in the sink.3 AM on Tuesday, I have too much time to think.And I could call up to heaven, or I could crawl down to hell,Nothing will change the way things are and nothing ever will.He thinks I can't hear him cry and I pretend that I don't know, orabout all the 3 AM's he spends wrestling with your ghost.I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell,He still can't get over you, I know he never will.Nothing he says will bring you back,He's got nothing left to showBut a pocket watch and memories of a kiss out in the snow. And I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell.He still can't get over you, I know he never will.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Saturday, January 08, 2005
In a while, in a word
Every moment now returns
For a while seen or heard
How each mem’ry softly burns
Facing you who brings me new tomorrows
I thank God for yesterdays
How they led me to this very hour
How they led me to this place
Every touch, every smile
You have given me a care
Keeping heart , always I’ll..
I’ll be treasuring everywhere
And if life should come to just one question
Do I hold each moment true
No trace of sadness
Always with gladness…I do
Now a song that speaks of now and never
Beckons me to someone new
Unexpected, unexplored, unseen
Filled with promise coming true
In a while, in a word
You and I forever changed
Love so clear, never blurred
Has me feeling wondrous strange
And if life should come to just one question
Do I face each moment true
No trace of sadness, always with gladness…I do.
Never with sadness
Always with gladness…I do.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Moments So Dear
How Do You Measure - Measure A Year?
In Daylights - In Sunsets In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee -
In Inches - In Miles - In Laughter - In Strife
How Do You Measure A Year In The Life ?
How About Love? Measure In Love. Seasons Of Love
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Journeys To Plan
How Do You Measure The Life Of A Woman Or A Man?
In Truths That She Learned Or In Times That He Cried,
In Bridges He Burned Or The Way That She Died
It's Time Now - To Sing Out Tho' The Story Never Ends
Let's Celebrate Remember A Year In The Life Of Friends
Remember The Love Remember Measure In Love
I'm a Head of Automation Division of Samsung Aerospace... one day my staff ask me.. sir some1 wants to tok 2 u... to place an order for new equipment (rent2 own). after gathering his personal information, I advised the customer that he wud have to provide proof of residence; a rent reciept, credit-card bill, whatever. A few days later, I received a picture in the mail. It was of a man pointing to the house behind him.
i still remeber........ about 15 members of my department decided to go bowling to celbrate a birthday. Tina, one of my staff, called ahead to reserved some lanes. She was told that wouldn't be necessasry; if there were a lot of people, they'd just open another lane. Tina nevertherless insisted. And the person on the line again assured her she didn't need a reservation. Just as they both becoming completely exasperated, the person on the other end of the line paused, then said, "Uh, do you realise you've called a supermarket?"
Im telling every1, " a frend of mine used to say wen she had a particularly juicy piece of gossip to share. But remember, u didn't hir it from me."....... Most of us dnt wnt to miss out hearing the latest. But we also don't like to think of ourslves s gossips. Well, here some scuttlebut to put our minds at the rest..
"Gossip is a way to keep track of social status and to manage alliances." it helps us to know hu we r and how we fit in. That sense of belonging is key to sound emtional health. Of cors, not all story we share are benign. distinguish betwin rumors (often unfounded and malicious) and gossip (mostly factual news). But while gossip maybe true, it isn't alwys nice. When the subject is some1 higher than us on the social ladder, wer're most interested in the mean stories. The reason: negative information cud be useful in helping us move up a rung or two. When gossip concerns som1 we percieve as lower in staus, good news makes us listenup; thats bcoz fortune cud raise our rival above us in social rank. Exchanging tales over the backyard fence also helps a community of people stablish moral boundaries. We gossip when pipol go astray as a way of delineating wats right and wrong.....and it may have an even higher purpose. "A sainty virtue." philosopher Ronald de Sousa once dubbed it. Gossips allowed us to exchange truths that might oderwise remain hidden, painting a truer picture of what it is to be human.
....she askd y?.... den I say, bcoz up until the last 3 days I was perfectlycontent with my life....of solitary adventure and then youcame along....wel, u came along and those two thingsseems mutually exclusive. and she askd again, y?den I say... bcoz im jealous as hell....bcoz im so un-bloody-hinged just being near you.. Praning ako! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
3 AM
Once again I'm wide awake.Waiting for time to mend this part of me that keeps on breaking.Newpapers I threw away, washed the dishes in the sink.3 AM on Tuesday, I have too much time to think.And I could call up to heaven, or I could crawl down to hell,Nothing will change the way things are and nothing ever will.He thinks I can't hear him cry and I pretend that I don't know, orabout all the 3 AM's he spends wrestling with your ghost.I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell,He still can't get over you, I know he never will.Nothing he says will bring you back,He's got nothing left to showBut a pocket watch and memories of a kiss out in the snow. And I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell.He still can't get over you, I know he never will.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Saturday, January 08, 2005
In a while, in a word
Every moment now returns
For a while seen or heard
How each mem’ry softly burns
Facing you who brings me new tomorrows
I thank God for yesterdays
How they led me to this very hour
How they led me to this place
Every touch, every smile
You have given me a care
Keeping heart , always I’ll..
I’ll be treasuring everywhere
And if life should come to just one question
Do I hold each moment true
No trace of sadness
Always with gladness…I do
Now a song that speaks of now and never
Beckons me to someone new
Unexpected, unexplored, unseen
Filled with promise coming true
In a while, in a word
You and I forever changed
Love so clear, never blurred
Has me feeling wondrous strange
And if life should come to just one question
Do I face each moment true
No trace of sadness, always with gladness…I do.
Never with sadness
Always with gladness…I do.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Moments So Dear
How Do You Measure - Measure A Year?
In Daylights - In Sunsets In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee -
In Inches - In Miles - In Laughter - In Strife
How Do You Measure A Year In The Life ?
How About Love? Measure In Love. Seasons Of Love
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Journeys To Plan
How Do You Measure The Life Of A Woman Or A Man?
In Truths That She Learned Or In Times That He Cried,
In Bridges He Burned Or The Way That She Died
It's Time Now - To Sing Out Tho' The Story Never Ends
Let's Celebrate Remember A Year In The Life Of Friends
Remember The Love Remember Measure In Love
I'm a Head of Automation Division of Samsung Aerospace... one day my staff ask me.. sir some1 wants to tok 2 u... to place an order for new equipment (rent2 own). after gathering his personal information, I advised the customer that he wud have to provide proof of residence; a rent reciept, credit-card bill, whatever. A few days later, I received a picture in the mail. It was of a man pointing to the house behind him.
i still remeber........ about 15 members of my department decided to go bowling to celbrate a birthday. Tina, one of my staff, called ahead to reserved some lanes. She was told that wouldn't be necessasry; if there were a lot of people, they'd just open another lane. Tina nevertherless insisted. And the person on the line again assured her she didn't need a reservation. Just as they both becoming completely exasperated, the person on the other end of the line paused, then said, "Uh, do you realise you've called a supermarket?"
Im telling every1, " a frend of mine used to say wen she had a particularly juicy piece of gossip to share. But remember, u didn't hir it from me."....... Most of us dnt wnt to miss out hearing the latest. But we also don't like to think of ourslves s gossips. Well, here some scuttlebut to put our minds at the rest..
"Gossip is a way to keep track of social status and to manage alliances." it helps us to know hu we r and how we fit in. That sense of belonging is key to sound emtional health. Of cors, not all story we share are benign. distinguish betwin rumors (often unfounded and malicious) and gossip (mostly factual news). But while gossip maybe true, it isn't alwys nice. When the subject is some1 higher than us on the social ladder, wer're most interested in the mean stories. The reason: negative information cud be useful in helping us move up a rung or two. When gossip concerns som1 we percieve as lower in staus, good news makes us listenup; thats bcoz fortune cud raise our rival above us in social rank.
Exchanging tales over the backyard fence also helps a community of people stablish moral boundaries. We gossip when pipol go astray as a way of delineating wats right and wrong.....and it may have an even higher purpose. "A sainty virtue." philosopher Ronald de Sousa once dubbed it. Gossips allowed us to exchange truths that might oderwise remain hidden, painting a truer picture of what it is to be human.
....she askd y?.... den I say, bcoz up until the last 3 days I was perfectly
content with my life....of solitary adventure and then you
came along....wel, u came along and those two things
seems mutually exclusive.
and she askd again, y?
den I say... bcoz im jealous as hell....
bcoz im so un-bloody-hinged just being near you..
Praning ako! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
3 AM
Once again I'm wide awake.Waiting for time to mend this part of me that keeps on breaking.Newpapers I threw away, washed the dishes in the sink.3 AM on Tuesday, I have too much time to think.And I could call up to heaven, or I could crawl down to hell,Nothing will change the way things are and nothing ever will.He thinks I can't hear him cry and I pretend that I don't know, orabout all the 3 AM's he spends wrestling with your ghost.I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell,He still can't get over you, I know he never will.Nothing he says will bring you back,He's got nothing left to showBut a pocket watch and memories of a kiss out in the snow. And I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell.He still can't get over you, I know he never will.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Saturday, January 08, 2005
In a while, in a word
Every moment now returns
For a while seen or heard
How each mem’ry softly burns
Facing you who brings me new tomorrows
I thank God for yesterdays
How they led me to this very hour
How they led me to this place
Every touch, every smile
You have given me a care
Keeping heart , always I’ll..
I’ll be treasuring everywhere
And if life should come to just one question
Do I hold each moment true
No trace of sadness
Always with gladness…I do
Now a song that speaks of now and never
Beckons me to someone new
Unexpected, unexplored, unseen
Filled with promise coming true
In a while, in a word
You and I forever changed
Love so clear, never blurred
Has me feeling wondrous strange
And if life should come to just one question
Do I face each moment true
No trace of sadness, always with gladness…I do.
Never with sadness
Always with gladness…I do.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
3 AM
Once again I'm wide awake.Waiting for time to mend this part of me that keeps on breaking.Newpapers I threw away, washed the dishes in the sink.3 AM on Tuesday, I have too much time to think.And I could call up to heaven, or I could crawl down to hell,Nothing will change the way things are and nothing ever will.He thinks I can't hear him cry and I pretend that I don't know, orabout all the 3 AM's he spends wrestling with your ghost.I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell,He still can't get over you, I know he never will.Nothing he says will bring you back,He's got nothing left to showBut a pocket watch and memories of a kiss out in the snow. And I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell.He still can't get over you, I know he never will.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Saturday, January 08, 2005
In a while, in a word
Every moment now returns
For a while seen or heard
How each mem’ry softly burns
Facing you who brings me new tomorrows
I thank God for yesterdays
How they led me to this very hour
How they led me to this place
Every touch, every smile
You have given me a care
Keeping heart , always I’ll..
I’ll be treasuring everywhere
And if life should come to just one question
Do I hold each moment true
No trace of sadness
Always with gladness…I do
Now a song that speaks of now and never
Beckons me to someone new
Unexpected, unexplored, unseen
Filled with promise coming true
In a while, in a word
You and I forever changed
Love so clear, never blurred
Has me feeling wondrous strange
And if life should come to just one question
Do I face each moment true
No trace of sadness, always with gladness…I do.
Never with sadness
Always with gladness…I do.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Saturday, January 08, 2005
In a while, in a word
Every moment now returns
For a while seen or heard
How each mem’ry softly burns
Facing you who brings me new tomorrows
I thank God for yesterdays
How they led me to this very hour
How they led me to this place
Every touch, every smile
You have given me a care
Keeping heart , always I’ll..
I’ll be treasuring everywhere
And if life should come to just one question
Do I hold each moment true
No trace of sadness
Always with gladness…I do
Now a song that speaks of now and never
Beckons me to someone new
Unexpected, unexplored, unseen
Filled with promise coming true
In a while, in a word
You and I forever changed
Love so clear, never blurred
Has me feeling wondrous strange
And if life should come to just one question
Do I face each moment true
No trace of sadness, always with gladness…I do.
Never with sadness
Always with gladness…I do.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
In a while, in a word
Every moment now returns
For a while seen or heard
How each mem’ry softly burns
Facing you who brings me new tomorrows
I thank God for yesterdays
How they led me to this very hour
How they led me to this place
Every touch, every smile
You have given me a care
Keeping heart , always I’ll..
I’ll be treasuring everywhere
And if life should come to just one question
Do I hold each moment true
No trace of sadness
Always with gladness…I do
Now a song that speaks of now and never
Beckons me to someone new
Unexpected, unexplored, unseen
Filled with promise coming true
In a while, in a word
You and I forever changed
Love so clear, never blurred
Has me feeling wondrous strange
And if life should come to just one question
Do I face each moment true
No trace of sadness, always with gladness…I do.
Never with sadness
Always with gladness…I do.
Every moment now returns
For a while seen or heard
How each mem’ry softly burns
Facing you who brings me new tomorrows
I thank God for yesterdays
How they led me to this very hour
How they led me to this place
Every touch, every smile
You have given me a care
Keeping heart , always I’ll..
I’ll be treasuring everywhere
And if life should come to just one question
Do I hold each moment true
No trace of sadness
Always with gladness…I do
Now a song that speaks of now and never
Beckons me to someone new
Unexpected, unexplored, unseen
Filled with promise coming true
In a while, in a word
You and I forever changed
Love so clear, never blurred
Has me feeling wondrous strange
And if life should come to just one question
Do I face each moment true
No trace of sadness, always with gladness…I do.
Never with sadness
Always with gladness…I do.
picassoDLCF - RENEGADE Photography
Tuesday, January 04, 2005